I must confess that I have never tried Wanderfly, a new travel search engine on the web. Though, the idea seems very interesting and it does cover a gap there is for those travellers looking for answers on those internet pages - or at least among the websites I'm aware of. There are obviously some downturns. I do think it's still lacks the personal advisor touch and since i believe it will be a profit orientated website, at some point answers will come first by money than really client interest. Nonetheless, this is Wanderfly through ther own words:
I've found this website short while ago. it's not much different from many blogs going on these days about local tips pretty much every single city there is. Still, i like this one because it puts togheter 30 cities in one single huge blog. I'm following them!

I have a new gallery in my personal website dedicated to some
of my last works. I've called it, Food & Chefs. Hope you enjoy!
Hoje coloquei uma nova galeria no meu website pessoal, dedicada
a algum do meu trabalho mais recente. Intitula-se Food & Chefs.
livro / book

In this impressively researched, alarming book, Rosaleen Duffy investigates the world of nature conservation, arguing that the West’s attitude to endangered wildlife is shallow, self-contradictory, and ultimately very damaging. Analyzing the workings of the black-market wildlife industry, Duffy points out that illegal trading is often the direct result of Western consumer desires, from coltan for cellular phones to exotic meats sold in London street markets. She looks at the role of ecotourism, showing how Western travelers contribute—often unwittingly—to the destruction of natural environments. Most strikingly, she argues that the imperatives of Western-style conservation often result in serious injustice to local people, who are branded as “problems” and subject to severe restrictions on their way of life and even extrajudicial killings.
I have travel lately to Alte, a beautiful little village in the middle of Algarve region, surrounded by hills and vegetation. There I've found this very unusual store that sells soaps made by olive oil.
Nos ultimos tempos tenho visitado com regularidade Alte, uma pequena aldeia situada no meio dos montes algarvios. Por lá encontrei uma pequena loja de sabonetes naturais feitos à base de azeite.
Last time in Rome I discovered this beautiful little food store called Il genovino d'Oro . It's an one man store, that besides having fine gourmet food from all over Italy it also has spices for pasta and all sorts of foods. Spice are made by the owner and are from natural ingredients. Sorry, i have no pictures to publish along the post.
A ultima vez que visitei Roma descobri a Il genovino d'Oro, uma pequena loja dedicada à venda de produtos gourmet dos 4 cantos da italia assim como uma enorme lista de especiarias criadas pelo próprio dono da loja. Os produtos são naturais, um must se passar pela capital italiana nos próximos tempos.
travel guides

I'm deeply sorry but it took me a bit longer than August to start posting here. I would like to start writing again by bringing news regarding the new 2011 Louis Vuitton travel guides. Besides new 7 destinations, LV also started to have some promotional videos.
As minhas sinceras desculpas pelo atraso nos posts deste Verão. Começo a nova época com a noticia dos novos guias de viagem da marca de luxo Louis Vuitton. Para além de updates e 7 novos destinos, a marca decidiu-se ainda por promover alguns dos seus guias através de videos publicados no youtube.
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