

Group camping trips can be difficult to arrange, thanks in large part to noise restrictions and other prohibitive rules often employed by public (and typically crowded) campgrounds. That's where the UK-based Private Camping Company comes in. With a network of farmers and landowners, the company negotiates access to private land and uses those sites to host short-term camping vacations.

Based in England's Lake District, the Private Camping Company works with local farmers and landowners willing to rent small, secluded areas of their land for short-term private camping pitches. UK planning regulations allow such landowners 28 days of "permitted development" per year in which they can use their land for nearly any temporary purpose without needing to apply for planning permission. Using land rented out in that way, then, the company provides and sets up temporary campsite facilities — equipped with water, toilets, hot showers, waste disposal, etc. — and then completely removes them afterwards, leaving the land just as they found it. Prices vary depending on the location and the required facilities, but for a group of 10 it would be roughly GBP 50 per person for a two-night weekend stay.



La Settimana del Baratto is a new concept to me. Based in Italy, it's developed by the local B&B Association which is obvious trying to get things going even during though times. Their idea is to encourage guests to use barter instead of spending money on their stay. This means that you have a chance to enjoy time away from home without breaking the bank. Last year's event was a success with 12.000 fans registered to participate in Facebook. In fact, some members continue to offer barter arrangements throughout the year. Last year, the most commonly made payment arrangements were reportedly accommodation swaps, live music performance and website translations.

The event will go on from Nov. 15 to 21. Can't wait to see the results.


A La Settimana del Baratto é um conceito novo, como projecto - eu próprio já troquei estadia num hotel por fotografias. Baseado em Italia, é desenvolvido pela associação de B&B local e tem objectivamente o interesse de contornar estes tempos de crise que vivemos. A ideia desta associação é encorajar os viajantes a trocarem os seus conhecimentos por estadias numa das várias dezenas de unidades que aderiram a este programa. O ano passado o evento foi um grande sucesso com mais de 12.000 fans da página do facebook. As principais moedas de trocas dos alojamentos foram concertos e traduções dos websites, mas parece-me que muito mais há por fazer.

O evento decorrerá entre 15 e 21 de Novembro.


new york vs paris

for those heading to Paris or New york, or both, you should check this blog i've found. This is how they considered themselves: "A visual but friendly match between those two cities seen by a lover of Paris wandering through New York's infinite details, clichés and contradictions".


Todos os viajantes a caminho de Paris ou Nova Iorque, ou ambos, devem dar um salto até este blog, relativamente recente mas bastante curioso. Segundo os próprios trata-se de um blog baseado "num confronto visual mas amigável entre as duas cidades visto por um amante de Paris a vaguear pelos infinitos detalhes, clichés e contradições de Nova Iorque".